Sticking a spooky glow-in-the-dark Halloween label to your bottle of wine, soda, or spirits is a super-quick way to add some fun to your drinks. Kids will love the eerie pop bottles and adults will get a kick out of seeing scary stickers on the bottle of their favourite drink. They instantly transform wine, soda, and liquor into bottles of poison, blood, zombie virus, truth serum, witch’s brew, and other devilish drinks!
While there are some printable templates available on the internet, I always prefer to buy professionally-made stickers
for three simple reasons: they look better, they stick better, and they’re cheap. Since your labels need to stick to bottles and contend with condensation all night, it’s best to avoid homemade versions. To top it off, ready-made stickers will save you time as well, and if you’re responsible for organizing and hosting a Halloween party, you’ll need all the help you can get. This is one simple, inexpensive way to add fun to your party with virtually no effort.
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