This year I’m hosting a superhero-themed Halloween costume party for adults, by popular demand. Well, technically it’s a Heroes and Villains party, so they don’t have to be “super” but you get the idea. If you want to learn how to host a superhero party of your own, I’m here to help. We’ll cover everything from props to costumes to drinks.
I’ll walk you through all the key elements and considerations of hosting this type of party. That way, you’ll not only go along for the ride with respect to my own real-life party planning, you’ll also learn everything you need to host a superhero party of your own!
Good to go? Let’s begin.

There are many ready-made superhero invitations available online or in stores, like the Justice League ones on the right for example.
For a more personal touch, you may want to invest a little bit of time crafting your own. You can make them on your computer if you want to save time, but hand-made invitations are consistently better received in my experience.
I would recommend using an image of your favourite superheroes or villains along with some dark colours for a more Halloween-meets-The-Dark-Knight feel, or you could go with bright primary colours (red, blue, yellow) if you prefer. If you’re delivering them by hand, I would recommend rolling them up and tying them with a black or red strip of leather or ribbon.
Be sure to include the date and time of the party, as well as RSVP details in your invitation.
If costumes are required, you will want to specify that as well. In my case, it’s a Heroes and Villains party, so I made sure to let my guests know that it doesn’t have to be superheroes. They can come as characters from the Wild West, Star Wars, video games, whatever. They can even make up their own heroes, like Supermom or Captain Obvious.
You’ll need to recreate the amazing — or is that the incredible? the fantastic? — world of heroes and villains. From its comic-book feel to its good-versus-evil iconography, you have a lot to consider… and choose from.
To help you get started, here are some great decorations and props you may want to acquire to set the stage for your superhero Halloween party:
- Standup cityscape
- Cutouts with action words like “Bam!”, “Wham!”, and “Pow!”
- Superhero masks (I put mine over the faces of some of my life-size monster props as a joke)
- Weapons (Captain America shield, Wonder Woman sword, etc.)
- Capes
- Cutouts of superhero logos (Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, X-men, etc.)
- Bloody playing cards (especially the Joker)
I would recommend themed food items if you can manage. Things like bat-shaped Jello-O, for example, since it blends Batman and Halloween. If you can’t find a Batman mold, you can always find a generic Halloween bat mold just about anywhere).
If you’re concerned about food allergies, I’d recommend using my free Halloween food labels to identify your dishes for your guests.
Just about any and all drinks will work for heroes and villains party since there are so many characters to choose from. That said, anything red, blue, yellow, or black would certainly enhance the atmosphere, so I’d recommend red wine, cranberry juice, and fruit punch, or colourful mixed drinks – like anything with blue curacao. Definitely include whisky or scotch for the Wolverines, and martinis for the more sophisticated characters like Professor Xavier. Beer and coolers, of course, are a must.
If you want to add a touch of Halloween to your beer, consider making a batch of pumpkin spice beer (I share the recipe in this post).

Extra Touches
- Serving your food on hero-themed tableware
will definitely enhance the mood
- Consider looping a superhero movie on mute for additional ambiance
- Include songs with superhero references to your playlist, for example:
- Prince – Batdance
- Black Sabbath – Iron Man
- Snoop Dogg – Batman and Robin
- Eminem – Superman
- 3 Doors Down – Kryptonite
- Suicide – Ghost Rider
- Johnny Cash – Ghost Riders in the Sky
- The Ramones – Spiderman
- The Traits – Nobody Loves the Hulk
- R. Kelly – Gotham City
Want more? Visit the Ideas section for more party themes and inspiration or get some party planning advice in the Hosting section.
I’m more than happy to help and, so if you have a question or comment, please feel free to post it below!