Best Halloween Cookbooks


There are many great Halloween cookbooks out there, but given the sheer selection, I thought it would be a good idea to provide you with my recommendations for the best ones.

If you’re looking for a larger collection of recipes or prefer to have a hard copy on hand at all times, these are some of the Halloween cookbooks I like to keep handy. I don’t own the rights to these, but do check them out. For a small price, they could save you a lot of hassle.

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Quick and Easy Halloween Recipes: Spiderweb Pumpkin Pie


One of the easiest Halloween dessert recipes is a spiderweb pumpkin pie. If you use a ready-made pie, this is quick and simple to prepare. When you’re planning a Halloween party, there’s so much to do and if you don’t have a lot of help, it’s sometimes necessary to take shortcuts here and there. This is one dish that you can create quickly – and what says Halloween better than pumpkin-flavoured sweets?

Let’s get started…

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Carol’s ‘The Walking Dead’ Cookies


The-Walking-Dead-Carol-Cookies-Recipe-Card-AMCHere’s the official recipe for Carol’s cookies from The Walking Dead. If you’re a fan of the hit AMC zombie drama, you’ve likely wondered — like me — what Carol’s chocolate-applesauce cookies taste like. In my case, it had less to do with a genuine gastronomic curiosity and more to do with the fact that these were the cookies she offered them to a young boy after she threatened to feed him to walkers!

Regardless, they’re a tasty treat and oh-so-perfect for Halloween parties – especially zombie-themed ones! This recipe is for a dozen cookies, so if you want “lots and lots of cookies,” (see what I did there?)  you might want to make more than one batch.

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Quick and Easy Halloween Recipes: Zombie Fingers


TaquitosHere’s another quick and easy Halloween recipe for a tasty treat your guests will love: zombie fingers! I always run out of these, no matter how many I make. You can prepare these warm “finger foods” in less than thirty minutes and people will absolutely love them — trust me!

First, we’ll start with a quick list of everything you’ll need, then I’ll show you how easy these are to make!

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Quick and Easy Halloween Recipes: Boonana Ghosts


bananasI’ve got a quick and easy Halloween recipe for a healthy, vegetarian treat everyone will love, especially the kids: boonana ghosts. If you’re looking for something you can prepare in just a few minutes that’s a great alternative to high-sugar party treats, this one definitely hits the mark! It’s a hoot with the kids every time I make it.

Let’s begin with a list of what you’ll need, then I’ll walk you through the steps.

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Quick and Easy Halloween Recipes: Meathead


MeatheadOne of my favourite dishes to serve at a Halloween party is Meathead (anyone remember All in the Family?). It’s an absolute hoot to bring out as it shocks and delights your guests, and is actually super-easy to prepare.

It’s basically a meat-covered skull that your guests can pick apart and eat, which makes it great as either an appetizer or as part of your main course presentation. The creep factor is undeniable and the look on people’s faces when you bring it out is absolutely priceless.

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