How to Get Guests to RSVP


invitationYou’re planning a party and some of your guests simply aren’t responding. They’re not providing any sort of RSVP, so you have no idea whether they’re coming or not, or whether they’re undecided or perhaps forgot about the event altogether. How can you get your guests to RSVP without appearing annoying or desperate?

Let’s consider the question.

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Planning a Kids Halloween Party


kidsIf you’re planning a kids Halloween party, there key things you need to consider given the differences in audience from an adult party. I’ll help you understand the needs of a younger audience and walk you through best practices to set your party up for success.

If you’ve never hosted a Halloween party before, I’d recommend that you begin with my Halloween 101 post: How to Plan a Halloween Party (12 Steps) to learn the basics of Halloween party planning regardless of age group, and then return here afterwards.

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Halloween Party Bar Ideas


martiniSo you’re hosting a Halloween party and you need some ideas for how to set up your bar? No problem! I’m here to help with some Halloween party bar ideas that will ensure your event is set up for success.

Drinks, like music, can quickly make or break a party, so they are an very important consideration. You’ll need to think about things like what to serve as well as where and how to serve them.

Let’s take a quick look at each of these key points to ensure you’ve covered all your bases.

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Halloween Party Planning: How to Stay Organized


organizerThe key to effective Halloween party planning is knowing how to stay organized. There’s a lot to do and to keep track of! Relying solely on your memory — no matter how sharp it might be — is simply a risk not worth taking.

Instead, follow these tried-and-true best practices to ensure you set yourself up for success. They’re easy and will help you stay on track for organizing and hosting the greatest Halloween party of all time!

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How to Deal With Party Crashers: 4 Steps


party crashersKnowing how to deal with party crashers — that is, uninvited guests — is an essential skill if you’re a host or hostess. In just four simple steps, I’ll outline a fool-proof way of addressing this relatively uncommon, but very real issue. It’s the kind of thing no one likes to think about so it doesn’t get covered very much, but nonetheless it’s worth having a contingency plan, just in case.

It’s also worth nothing that while party crashers (a.k.a. gate crashers) are a potential problem for any party, the fact that wearing a costume makes sneaking into an invitation-only event that much easier makes preparing for this kind of intrusion especially relevant for a Halloween party.

The four steps to handling uninvited guests are:

  1. Assess
  2. Plan
  3. Communicate
  4. Act

Let’s take a moment to discuss each step one at a time.

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How Long In Advance To Plan Your Halloween Party


calendarLately people have been asking, “How long in advance do I need to plan my Halloween party?” That’s a great question and one that must obviously be considered at the very beginning of the process, so I thought I’d tackle it right away.

There are some rather standard best practices with respect to how far in advance you should start planning, but each situation is different and so what’s right for you can depend on a number of factors. Given this reality, I’ll cover both of these areas to help you make the decision that suits your particular needs.

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How to Plan a Halloween Party (12 Steps)


chalkboardWelcome to Halloween Party Planning 101, where you’ll learn how to plan a Halloween party for adults or kids effectively to ensure it’s a huge hit. If you’ve never hosted a Halloween party before, or you have but it wasn’t entirely successful, this crash course is definitely for you.

Coming up with Halloween party ideas for adults or kids can be challenging, but that’s just the beginning. There are 12 critical things you absolutely must consider in order to host a successful Halloween party.

As with most things, the best place to start is usually at the beginning, which is precisely what we’ll do here.

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