If you love the Saw movie series and want to host a Saw Halloween party with a particularly frightening touch, you’ve come to the right place. Here I’ll cover everything you need from invitations to props to games, to ensure you that you’ve thought through the entire party from start to finish.
Are you ready? Let’s get started.
“Do you want to play a game?”
– Jigsaw
There aren’t any ready-made Saw invitations that I’ve seen online or in stores — at least not as of the time of writing this — so you’ll need to invest a little bit of time crafting your own. You can make them on your computer if you want to save time, but hand-made invitations are consistently better received in my experience.
I would recommend using an image of the Jigsaw mask and the line “Do you want to play a game?” along with some blood splatter. If you’re delivering them by hand, I would recommend rolling them up
and tying them with a black or red strip of leather or ribbon.
Be sure to include the date and time of the party, as well as RSVP details in your invitation. If costumes are required, you will want to specify that as well.
If you want, you can pique your guests’ interest from the outset even more by using a method similar to the proven bait-and-punchline technique that was so successful for my Mad Scientist and Vampire Nurse parties. Basically, write a brief story-line on the invitation that will create tension and anticipation. Perhaps the host or another guest is being held by Jigsaw and your guests need to come rescue them…
You’ll need to recreate the twisted, terrifying world of Saw with your decor so that your guests are instantly immersed in it as soon as they arrive. For maximum realism, the aim here is to try and frighten grown adults.
That means you’ll need to recreate a bloody, psychotic ambiance that’s as accurate as possible, but you’ll need to populate it with instantly recognizable Saw elements as well. Bloody sheets and tablecloths, bloody hand prints, dim lighting, and an overall industrial feel should be top of mind for you.
To help you get started, here are some great decorations and props you may want to acquire to set the stage for your Saw Halloween party:
- Saw scene setters
- Jigsaw puppet mask
- Pig head mask
- Bloody weapons garland
- Cadaver covered in bloody sheet
- Adult body bag
Once your guests arrive, they should find out that they need to play a game. Better still, they should be given an impossible choice as to whether to play a game, in keeping with the films.
Here, you can get as creative as you like. Ideas that I particularly like are classic Saw-inspired games like finding a hidden key to unlock a device that is about to kill someone in a horribly gruesome way. For example:
- Guests are shown the device in question, perhaps a reverse bear trap fastened around someone’s head, or something simpler like a chest that contains the antidote to a “poison” someone was administered. In either case, the device is locked and requires a key
- They are given a time-limit within which to do this (perhaps 30 minutes or so, no more than an hour). After this time has elapsed, the victim would perish (i.e., the device would activate or the poison would have done irreversible damage).
- Guests then scour the area in search for clues as to the location of the key. They find a leather pouch or Ziploc bag inside a cadaver. The bag contains a black light. They they take the black light to a dark room in search of the next clue.
- The next clue is written in invisible black light paint and provides instructions to the location of the key.
- The key is hidden inside the leg or other body part of another guest who is in on the act. The guest is perhaps tied to a chair somewhere. You can get some great latex or silicone wound kits and hide the key inside. If this is too challenging for you, you can always hide the key just just about anywhere else.
- The guests then use the key to unlock the device, save the host (or other victim), and start the party!
I would recommend disgusting food items if you can manage. Things like a foot loaf (meatloaf in the shape of a foot), brain-shaped Jello-O (you can get a mold just about anywhere). Old, dried up leathery human skin and meat also fits in nicely with this theme, so food items like beef jerky
are good to include as well.
If you’re concerned about food allergies, I’d recommend using my free Halloween food labels to identify your dishes for your guests.
Just about any and all drinks will work for a Saw party since there aren’t any major references to drinks in the movies. That said, anything red would certainly enhance the blood-soaked atmosphere, so I’d recommend red wine, cranberry juice, and fruit punch.
If you want to add a touch of Halloween to your beer, consider making a batch of pumpkin spice beer (I share the recipe in this post).

Extra Touches
- Serving your food on bloody tableware
will definitely enhance the mood
- Consider making a creepy Saw-themed video or sound recording of your game instructions and/or invitations to take things to the next level
Want more? Visit the Ideas section for more party themes and inspiration or get some party planning advice in the Hosting section.
I’m more than happy to help and usually respond within 24-48 hours at the very most, so if you have a question or comment, please feel free to post it below!
Any thoughts on take home candies or goodies? Not for a kids party obviously, but say like an adult Halloween carnival! Lol. Trying to come up with some good giveaways! Thanks!
Hi Alli,
It really depends on what your guests like, but my vote is always for those fun-sized chocolate bars. Let’s assume we want to avoid nuts for potential allergies. In that case, I’d recommend these chocolate-covered pretzels as they are made in a factory that does not contain or process peanuts. You can also try these milkless chocolate Halloween figures as they’re free of all eight common allergens, including milk, soy, peanuts, gluten, etc. Another fan favourite for adults and kids alike are Rice Krispies treats. Hope this helps!
You may also want to check out my earlier post on Ready-Made Treats!
Omg this is awesome. I loved the Saw movies. Such interesting confusing stories.
My boyfriend and I love Halloween so this should be a fun party to have either this year or next year. I don’t know if I’d want the pig face in my home because that’s so creepy. Cool ideas though, thanks!
Always happy to meet fellow Halloween fans, Gina! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
Hi Patrick,
Your post has given me a good laugh….. I find beef jerky disgusting so I agree that would make a great snack.
To be honest, very few people do Halloween themed parties in my country. However, following your advice on the saw theme( I love saw the movie series btw) would raise awareness on how enjoyable Halloween can be!
Your website is amazing! It really sets in the Halloween mood even if it’s April lol!
Thanks Silole2! Glad you enjoyed the post. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out!
Hi Patrick,
I took a look at your site and I was very supprised at the quality. Everything you have on the site is appropriate and in keeping with the subject matter.
The look and feel is perfect, your copy is nice and clear, and I can say that in general, there is nothing to pull you up on, so good work.
I focused on the page ‘saw party theme’ as you posted and I thought it was perfect. This is a post that anyone can follow, and….it’s in no way patronising, but at the same time so easy to understand.
I did leave a comment/question which you can use to make a creative relpy and I include it below.
I hope you like….
Wow, this is a really broad post about hosting your own SAW party and it’s been really helpful. So much imformation and ideas….
Thanks for all the advise and all the amazing ideas, but I have to admit to needing further advice.
You suggested sending an invitation with a brief story-line, which I guess would let your guests know what you general idea is for the evening. Can you please give me some more pointers on this, because this is my first theme party and I’m feeling a little insecure.
When you’re suggesting a story line, are you asking your guests to assume a role in that story line, and does that mean you are relying on them to push the story forward?
I am just wondering, in this situation, who has the responsibility for making the the ‘story’ flow? Is it the guests or the host?
I am sorry if this seems like a silly question but it would really help if I undertstood the protocols of these parties.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Hi Carl,
I’m glad you feel inspired by the post. A theme party is always a lot of fun, and I’m happy to help you out some more.
In terms of moving the story forward, the guests’ participation does have an impact, but the responsibility ultimately falls to the host(s). That means you have to ensure guests are familiar with any rules you may have laid out, but please don’t have too many rules. I usually prefer to have one or two objectives rather than rules.
For a Saw party, it might just be that they have to search the house until they find the kidnapped victim and rescue him or her before the party can begin. The victim could be either yourself, your spouse, or a friend/guest who volunteered in advance of the party. If you personally choose to play the role of the victim, just make sure you have someone else there to greet the guests and explain the objective. Once the victim is found and saved, the party can start in earnest as a celebration! If you want, of course, you can add a scary surprise once the victim is found — perhaps a particularly gory setup or even an animatronic prop or friend in costume that lunges at the guests when they have untied the victim.
Remember not to get too bogged down with the storyline or theme once the night gets going. Your focus should always be on the overall goal — to ensure your guests are having a good time. It is, after all, a party!
I hope this helps. You can also learn more about how I’ve personally executed theme parties in the past by reading up on my Vampire Nurse and Mad Scientist party themes.
Wow, what an awesome idea.
This it might be an idea not only for halloween. I could throw a party easily in the middle of April, and I know for sure, people will love it.
Thanks for the idea and pointing out where to buy all the stuff that is needed.
I´ll be planning this party and letting you know how it goes.
I’m glad you found the post inspiring, Kevin. You’re more than welcome. Let me know how your party goes or if you need help with anything else!
I absolutely love your ideas here. Seriously they are genius!
I actually found the Saw movies far too terrifying to watch past the first one (scarred for life btw) but if someone I knew was hosting a party like this one, I would be there!
Do you think this would be an ok theme for kids too or should we try to keep this purely adults-only?
Hi Anne. I think this particular theme should be adults- or teens-only, as children would generally find it too frightening. That said, you can find lots of great ideas for kids Halloween parties here. Let me know if you need with anything else!