Easy Halloween Drink Recipes: Eyeball Punch

eyeballsNeed easy Halloween drink recipes? A nice cup of eyeball punch is perfect for kids and adults alike. A constant guest favourite, it looks like a giant bowl of eyeball-infested blood and is sure to be a hit at your next Halloween party.

In addition to being a natural favourite among children, it’s a great alcohol-free alternative for adults who don’t drink or are abstaining from alcohol because they’re acting as designated driver for the evening. After all, everyone should have a good time!

Preparation Time

5-10 minutes (plus a few hours to freeze ice cubes in advance)

What You’ll Need


  1. Fill eyeball-shaped ice cube trays with water and place in the freezer for a few hours until frozen. I recommend doing this the night before.
  2. Empty both cans of frozen fruit punch concentrate into your punch bowl.
  3. Add 2L ginger ale (approximately 72 fluid oz) and mix well until concentrate is dissolved.
  4. Optional: Add berries to taste.
  5. Add 6-8 plastic eyeballs for decoration.
  6. Immediately prior to serving, add 1-2 trays of eyeball-shaped ice cubes. These will look great and they will keep the punch chilled, but they will eventually melt. That’s why we include the plastic eyeballs as well.
  7. Serve with ladle and drinking cups nearby.

Tip: Use raspberry or cranberry ginger ale for a nice alternative and a richer red colour. You can also spike the punch with vodka for that special kick.

You can also check out my Halloween-themed alcoholic drink recipes or the go to the Food & Drink section for more great ideas.

For party planning help and inspiration, check out the Hosting and Ideas sections.

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